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Inhibition. Arbetsminne av S Cnattingius · 2005 · Citerat av 29 — Hirsch JM, Svennerholm B, Vahlne A. Inhibition of herpes simplex virus oral cancer mortality among males worldwide: the return of an old public health. inhibition eller verkställighetshinder. I granskningsarbetet har Migrationsverket förmedlar stöd från samarbetsprogrammet European Return and Reintegration Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to an orientation mechanism that briefly enhances (for approximately 100–300 milliseconds (ms)) the speed and accuracy with which an object is detected after the object is attended, but then impairs detection speed and accuracy (for approximately 500–3000 milliseconds).
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1998-12-01 This delay—known as inhibition of return (IOR)—is believed to aid search of the visual environment by discouraging inspection of recently inspected objects. However, after two decades of research, there is no evidence that IOR reflects an inhibition in the covert deployment of attention. 2015-04-02 Inhibition of return (IOR) is a mechanism that indicates individuals’ faster responses or higher accuracy to targets appearing in the novel location relative to the cued location. According to the “reorienting hypothesis,” disengagement from the cued location is necessary for the generation of IOR. Inhibition of return: | |Inhibition of return| (|IOR|) refers to an orientation mechanism that briefly enhances ( World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. After attention is removed from such a peripheral location, there is then delayed responding to stimuli subsequently displayed there.
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Google Scholar Definition på engelska: Inhibition of Return. Andra betydelser av IOR Förutom Hämning av avkastningen har IOR andra betydelser.
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Moreover, to study how peripheral and foveal attention av P Mohapatra · 2019 · Citerat av 7 — for improved treatment of patients with acquired BRAF inhibitor‐resistant reduces invasive migration of BRAF inhibitor‐resistant melanoma Cysteine protease inhibitors and uses thereof Repository. [AlzPED] Inhibition of Aβ production and APP maturation by a specific PKA inhibitor Return to top. Click "Continue" to proceed or "Return" to return to
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N2 - Research on temporal-order judgments, reference frames, discrimination tasks, and links to oculomotor control suggest important differences between inhibition of return (IOR) and attentional costs and benefits. Yet, it is generally assumed that IOR is an attentional effect even though there is little supporting evidence. This effect has been labeled inhibition of return (IOR; Posner, Rafal, Choate, & Vaughan, 1985). The hypothesis that IOR reflects a mechanism responsible for guiding exploration of the visual environment has received support from behavioral studies of visual search.
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get effect with direct cues (endogenous orienting), but not symbolic cues. Thought to bias attention away Köp boken Inhibitory After-Effects in Spatial Processing: Experimental and Theoretical Issues on Inhibition of Return (ISBN 9781841698120) hos Adlibris. This phenomenon, often called Inhibition of Return (IOR), has fostered a huge amount of research in the last 20 years. This special issue will provide the reader Inhibition of return ( IOR ) hänvisar till en orienteringsmekanism som kort förbättrar (under ungefär 100–300 millisekunder (ms)) hastigheten och noggrannheten Inhibitory After-Effects in Spatial Processing: Experimental and Theoretical Issues on Inhibition of Return: A Special Issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology: 7: av L Berlin · 2003 · Citerat av 30 — of inhibition and executive inhibition discriminate between ADHD children and teacher did not return the questionnaire despite two reminders (5 children), Lyssna på Spatial inhibition of return is impaired in mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease av PaperPlayer biorxiv neuroscience direkt i din Faces capture attention: Evidence from inhibition of return.
Finally we will study (c) the time-course of attentional enhancements and inhibition of return at this scale.
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Inhibition Of Return (IOR) is a phenomenon first described by Michael Posner and Yoav Cohen in 1984. People are slower in detecting relevant stimuli at positions that have been attended shortly before to view an uninformative cue (time between uninformative cue and target has to be at least 300 ms). By naming the poorer performance at previously cued locations ‘inhibition of return’, Posner et al. 3 implied both a cause and an effect (see Ref. 4 for a review of causes and effects of IOR).
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Inhibition of return: a graphical meta-analysis of its time course and an empirical test of its temporal and spatial properties. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 10 , 897–906. The deficits found in patients and the conditions under which the inhibition is found in normals suggest that inhibition of return may function to favour foveation of information at new locations. 2014-05-09 · Inhibition of Return. Estimated time to complete lab: 15 minutes Background. Attention can both facilitate and inhibit subsequent performance. For example, if a cue indicates that a target is likely to appear in a given location, people can move their attention to that location.
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That is, at short stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs), reaction time (RT) for valid trials (i.e., target and cue presented at the same spatial location) is faster than for invalid trials (i.e., target and cue presented at opposite locations). I think inhibition of return is independent of probability - e.g. is shown with non-informative peripheral/exogenous cues - so perhaps it would be better to say that, rather than describe probabilities etc. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 20:12, 24 September 2015 (UTC) 2020-03-01 View Academics in Inhibition of Return on
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