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Otis Miller’s revolver in RDR2 is one of many unique guns in the game. Finding Otis Miller’s revolver requires you to find Torn Treasure Map locations in Red Dead Redemption 2. There are two Red Dead 2 Torn Treasure Map pieces, and they’re in two very different locations. Se hela listan på Download Rdr2 Otis Miller Revolver for desktop or mobile device.

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Legendary bear talisman. Otis Millers revolver som @breahl pratar om går bara att få tag på sent i spelet i  En av de mest exakta och vackraste vapenna i RDR2 Tillverkad av elfenben och guld är Otis Miller Revolver, som endast kan erhållas under spelets epilog. Red Dead Redemption 2 Red Dead Redemption 2 Otis Miller's Revolver – Hazine haritalarının ödüllerinden bir tanesi, Rattlesnake Hollow'da bulunuyor,  Om vi ​​anser att det finns totalt femtio-nio vapen i Red Dead Redemption 2, Otis Millers revolver: Gömd i en bröstkorg i en grotta norr om Cholla Springs i  Red Dead Redemption 2 - Torn / Mended Treasure Map (Otis Miller's Revolver). GTA Series Videos.

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This is found in a cave in New Austin. Red Dead Redemption 2 Otis Miller's Revolver.

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Rdr2 otis miller revolver

General Information . Information goes here . Acquisition . Hidden in a chest in the north of Cholla Springs. Gunsmith Services . Clean Weapon. Gunsmith will clean your weapon for a relatively low price, however the price will vary depending on the wear on your weapon at that point.

Rdr2 otis miller revolver

report. 92% Upvoted. This thread is archived. Otis Miller’s revolver in RDR2 is one of many unique guns in the game. Finding Otis Miller’s revolver requires you to find Torn Treasure Map locations in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Rdr2 torn treasure map 1. Red Dead Redemption 2 Otis Miller's Revolver. This is a rare gun, part of the 100% weapon completion.

Below I will walk you through how to get Otis Miller’s Revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2. Otis Miller’s revolver in RDR2 is one of many unique guns in the game. Finding Otis Miller’s revolver requires you to find Torn Treasure Map locations in Red Dead Redemption 2. There are two Red Dead 2 Torn Treasure Map pieces, and they’re in two very different locations.
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How to get the Otis Miller Revolver! Close.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide & colon; Alla Legendary Revolvers

Any of these hermitages will be half the treasure map. Red Dead Redemption 2 Zerrissene Schatzkarte bergen und Otis Millers Schatz finden - Red Dead Redemption 2. von Marco Tito Aronica (Mittwoch, 31.10.2018 - 16:54 Uhr) For the other map piece and the location of otis millers revolver check out our rdr2 torn treasure map locations otis millers revolver guide.

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You can pick this Sniper Rifle off of the corpse of the sniper 801k members in the reddeadredemption community. A subreddit for Rockstar's critically acclaimed open-world Western game Red Dead Redemption, its … John's Cattleman Revolver, John's Knife, Bolt Action Rifle and Lancaster Repeater. That's all the weapons I was given.

Can Be Dual Wielded Pistols and revolvers are the two classes of handguns in Red Dead Redemption 2. Handguns are the most common group of firearms. Arthur can wield one handgun at Found golden Otis Miller revolver and porn stash at edge of map.