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Tuition fees will be charged per semester. You will receive the first invoice after you have received your admission result. The invoice will be sent via email, so please check your contact information at and make sure Application id: Only if you also have made an application through For Recruitment Consultants (RC) only.
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The invoice will be sent via email, so please check your contact information at and make sure Application id: Only if you also have made an application through For Recruitment Consultants (RC) only. RC name: RC email address: Only if you have used an agent to help you with the application. Proficiency test You will receive the first invoice when the notification of selection results has been published on
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If you have questions about your account, you can contact them via chat or email. More information is available at eduID; If you have a Swedish personal ID number (yymmdd-xxxx) and are a confirmed user, you can verify yourself using your account. 2020-9-4 · To request a re-assessment of your fee status, you are required to upload documents verifying your request to your personal account on and send a request to
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5. Tuition payment. If you need to pay tuition in Sweden, you also need to pay tuition for free standing courses. Information will be sent out to the e-mail address you register at
There you create a personal account to manage your application(s). 2020-5-27
2 days ago · See for information on how to pay the application fee. Tuition fees will be charged per semester. You will receive the first invoice after you have received your admission result.
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Pre-departure webinar . 2021-3-31 · If you have any questions regarding your supporting documentation, please send an email to or directly to the programme coordinator. You can find the contact details of the department and programme coordinator by viewing the information under “Contact & Further Resources” on each Master's programme webpage . Waiting list applicants are contacted by email from in order of their place on the waiting list. If you are offered a place after the course/programme has started, then you must contact as soon as possible to accept it.
Create your user account with your login from (choose "")
When you log in to and enter the one time passcode your account will be confirmed. With a confirmed account you can see your Swedish upper secondary school record and other qualifications, reply to your admission descisions, read your messages and search for courses within a programme. - where you apply. Sweden has a central online application system.
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If you use another address, your documents will not reach us. University Admissions in Sweden R 312 SE-106 53 Stockholm Sweden You can contact University Admissions by email, telephone and chat. We suggest you search for your question first in our FAQ database.
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Please note that you can create your user account, two weeks before the semester starts. After filling in all required fields in the form, please upload it together with all other documents if you apply through our local admission ( or, if you have applied through, then please email it to Make sure to indicate your application number when emailing us.
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Choose “Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan” in the drop down menu and click on “Go to student portal ”. You will then be redirecte to to log in with 2020-09-03 · To request a re-assessment of your fee status, you are required to upload documents verifying your request to your personal account on and send a request to The tuition fee team will then re-assess your fee status and notify you of the outcome by email.
Note, one or the other is required in order for your application to be processed.