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If you are sure that the author's name is the same on all publications then provide as much information that you have because it will help in getting only relevant entries. Web of Science counts the number of papers published, therefore favors authors who publish more and are more advanced into their careers. When comparing impact factors you need to compare similar authors in the same discipline, using the same database, using the same method. Be sure to indicate limitations. Get Started with Web of Science. This series of videos will help you get started using the key features of the Web of Science. Learn how to create a profile, begin a search and manage your results.

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En film För att förbättra sökupplevelsen för Web of Science har Clarivate Analytics förvärvat en start som heter Kopernio. Kopernio-webbläsartillägget hittar fullständiga  Klustring baserat på direkta citeringslänkar: Partitionering av 27 miljoner Web of Science- artiklar i fyra hierarkiska nivåer. 2015-11-05 Peter Sjögårde  DBLP Computer Science Bibliography. Här söker du i ETDEWEB World Energy Base.

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Spanish scientific journals in Web of Science and Scopus: adoption of Open Access, relationship between price and impact, and internationality. Laakso, M. Web of science/Journal Citation reports på ISI Web of knowledge · Scopus · Art&Humanities Citation Index · Science Citation Index Expanded  En utvärdering av två pearl growing-metoder i ISI Web of Science. Helena AhlinGunilla Pettersson. 2006.

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Co-Authorship Visualization of Research on COVID-19 from Web of Science Data using Bibliometric Analysis. Akbar Iskandar, Firman Azis, Riskha Dora Candra  Publiceringsstatistik (Web of Science 1998- 2008), jag är lite överdrivet förtjust i att göra statistik över siffror, KoN vill jämföra hela grupper.

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I databasen Web of Science indexeras fackgranskade internationella tidskrifter inom naturvetenskap, samhällsvetenskap och humaniora.

Clarivate Analytics, 5:35. Web of Science: Search Tips Databases: Web of Science. Web of Science. Multidisciplinary coverage of over 10,000 high-impact journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, as well as international proceedings coverage for over 120,000 conferences.
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Web of Science provides access to: the Science Citation Index Expanded 1900-present; the Social Sciences Citation Index 1956-present; and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index 1975-present. Web of Science indexes articles from thousands of journals and also indexes the citations used in those articles, thus allowing the user to see which papers have cited a core paper, and how many times a The Web of Science™ is the world’s most trusted publisher-independent global citation database. Guided by the legacy of Dr Eugene Garfield, inventor of the world’s first citation index, the Web of Science is the most powerful research engine, delivering your library with best-in-class publication and citation data for confident discovery, access and assessment.

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2021-04-02 · Web of Science Core Collection is a painstakingly selected, actively curated database of the journals that researchers themselves have judged to be the most important and useful in their fields. Web of Science (WOS) (anteriormente conocida como Web of Knowledge), es una plataforma de formada por una amplia colección de bases de datos bibliográficas citas y referencias de publicaciones científicas de cualquier disciplina del conocimiento, en ciencia, tecnología, ciencias sociales, artes y humanidades. Monitor citations to your favorite articles. Set up citation alerts for each publication you'd like to track, and receive email notifications right in your Web of science/Journal Citation reports på ISI Web of knowledge; Scopus; Art&Humanities Citation Index; Science Citation Index Expanded; Se även. h-index; Källor.

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The Science History Institute collects and shares the stories of innovators and of discoveries that shape our lives. We preserve and interpret the history of  Featured Services. Science Alert is a leading web based portal providing free access to a large database of peer reviewed scientific research. Currently Science  High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, MEDLINE, Embase, CAPlus / SciFinder, and many other databases. Journal  Free Topic Selection Wizard, science fair project ideas, step by step how to do a science fair project, Ask an Expert discussion board, and science fair tips for  The Christian Science Monitor is an international news organization that delivers thoughtful, global coverage via its website, weekly magazine, online daily  Copyright © 2011-2021 Center for Open Science | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Status | API · TOP Guidelines | Reproducibility Project: Psychology  The Scientist Magazine Life Science News. At a time of fast-paced science and rampant misinformation, can we trust the non–peer-reviewed literature?

Web of Science (до 2014 Web of Knowledge) — платформа, на якій розміщено бази наукової літератури і патентів, до 2016 року належала Thomson Reuters.В листопаді 2016 року відділення IP & Science придбано інвестиційними фондами і функціонує як Clarivate Vi skulle vilja visa dig en beskrivning här men webbplatsen du tittar på tillåter inte detta. Search for researchers in Web of Science Web of Science is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines. It was originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information and is currently maintained by Clarivate Analytics. Multidisciplinary database with citation indexes covering sciences, social sciences, medicine, technology and arts & humanities Web of Science Beta Web of Science. The Web of Science platform connects the Web of Science Core Collection to regional citation indexes, patent data, specialized subject indexes, and an index of research data sets for confident discovery, access, and assessment. 2020-05-29 · When you open the Web of Science, first choose which databases to search.The default is the Core Collection (a multi-disciplinary science database), but you can use the pull-down menu to select All Databases for a broad search or a specific database for more focused research.