Systemoptimerad produktion av fordonsgas - Lund University
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av N Damsgaard · 2008 — 70. 80. 90. Figur 4. Råoljeproduktionen fördelad per region 1965–2007 (miljoner fat/dag) även så kallad liquified natural gas, LNG. Figur 12.
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Annual total CO 2 emissions to heat a typical house (20 MWh p.a.) MJ/kg % kg/GJ: kg/MWh: kg: kg saved c.f. oil: kg saved c.f. gas: Hard coal: 29: 75: 115: 414: 8,280-2,000-3,740: Oil: 42: 85: 87: 314: 6,280: 0-1,740: Natural gas: 38: 75: 63: 227: 4,540: 1,740: 0: LPG: 46: 82: 72: 259: 5,180: 1,100-640: Electricity (UK grid - 2019)--71: 256: 5,120: 1,160-580: Electricity (large scale woodchip combustion)--16: 58: 1,160: 5,120: 3,380 Carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions factor, measured in kilograms of CO₂ produced per megawatt-hour (MWh) of energy produced from a given fossil fuel source. [t CO 2/MWh] LCA emission factor [t CO 2-eq/MWh] Motor Gasoline 0.249 0.299 Gas oil, diesel 0.267 0.305 Residual Fuel Oil 0.279 0.310 Anthracite 0.354 0.393 Other Bituminous Coal 0.341 0.380 Sub -Bituminous Coal 0.346 0.385 Lignite 0.364 0.375 Natural Gas 0.202 0.237 Municipal Wastes (non -biomass fraction) 0.330 To calculate the Carbon Dioxide - CO 2 - emission from a fuel, the carbon content of the fuel must be multiplied with the ratio of molecular weight of CO 2 (44) to the molecular weight of Carbon (12) -> 44 / 12 = 3.7 Carbon Dioxide emission from burning a fuel can be calculated as q CO2 = c f / h f M CO2 /M m Kg of CO2 per unit of consumption. Grid electricity. 43 per kWh.
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Heat is produced when C and H combine with oxygen (O) during combustion. Natural gas is primarily methane (CH 4), which has a higher energy content CO2 per kWh, 1990 to 2018). (Sheet CO2KWH ELE) These emission factors are given for electricity and electricity/heat generation for the total electricity generation, and for generation from oil, coal, gas and from non-renewable wastes, as well as from biofuels.
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Oxygen. Partial cirka 500 kg CO2 per ton metanol. vid råvarukostnad på USD 2,4/ĠJ eller ca 50 kr/MWh för framtida resp. nuvarande teknologi. av S Tumlin · Citerat av 3 — negativt nettoresultat med ca 480 ton CO2e per år eller 0,5 kg CO2e per person och år 1 GJ = 3,6 MWh biomass and natural gas with reduced co2 emission. No. 4 . September.
Includes electricity-only power plants. Annual total CO 2 emissions to heat a typical house (20 MWh p.a.) MJ/kg % kg/GJ: kg/MWh: kg: kg saved c.f. oil: kg saved c.f. gas: Hard coal: 29: 75: 115: 414: 8,280-2,000-3,740: Oil: 42: 85: 87: 314: 6,280: 0-1,740: Natural gas: 38: 75: 63: 227: 4,540: 1,740: 0: LPG: 46: 82: 72: 259: 5,180: 1,100-640: Electricity (UK grid - 2019)--71: 256: 5,120: 1,160-580: Electricity (large scale woodchip combustion)--16: 58: 1,160: 5,120: 3,380
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions factor, measured in kilograms of CO₂ produced per megawatt-hour (MWh) of energy produced from a given fossil fuel source. [t CO 2/MWh] LCA emission factor [t CO 2-eq/MWh] Motor Gasoline 0.249 0.299 Gas oil, diesel 0.267 0.305 Residual Fuel Oil 0.279 0.310 Anthracite 0.354 0.393 Other Bituminous Coal 0.341 0.380 Sub -Bituminous Coal 0.346 0.385 Lignite 0.364 0.375 Natural Gas 0.202 0.237 Municipal Wastes (non -biomass fraction) 0.330
To calculate the Carbon Dioxide - CO 2 - emission from a fuel, the carbon content of the fuel must be multiplied with the ratio of molecular weight of CO 2 (44) to the molecular weight of Carbon (12) -> 44 / 12 = 3.7 Carbon Dioxide emission from burning a fuel can be calculated as q CO2 = c f / h f M CO2 /M m
Kg of CO2 per unit of consumption. Grid electricity. 43 per kWh.
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av metan) till omkring 13,3 kWh/kg för fordonsgas från västsvenska gasnätet.
CO2 emissions. The problem posed by the emission of greenhouse gases by industry makes it necessary to consider fuels from the angle of the CO2 emissions generated by their use.
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Older gas meters measure gas in hundreds of cubic feet - 100 cubic feet equal 2.83 cubic metres. 2020-06-06 On average, electricity sources emit 1.222lbs CO2 per kWh (0.0005925 metric tons CO2 per kWh). State CO2 emissions per kWh may vary greatly in accordance with the amount of clean energy in the Did you ever wonder what reducing carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions by 1 million metric tons means in everyday terms?The greenhouse gas (GHG) equivalencies calculator can help you understand just that, translating abstract measurements and emissions data into concrete terms, such as the annual emissions from cars or households.There are two options for entering reduction data into this calculator.
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Vad är energiinnehållet i naturgas, biogas och fordonsgas
4980 kr/ton 6420 kr/ton. 14 060 kr/ton. 6,3 kr/Nm3.
Årsredovisning 2007 - Vattenfall
The figures produced by the tool are estimates only. This calculator was developed by, and remains the property of, SCION and is licensed to EECA for use on this website.
De meeste berekeningen laten de CO 2-vastlegging per hectare zien. Een hectare kan variëren van 500 tot 2500 bomen. In diverse berekeningen vonden we 15 bomen tot 83 bomen die nodig zijn om 1 ton CO2 in één jaar vast te leggen. kWh-MWh-GWh-TWh-J-MJ-GJ-TJ-PJ-m3-mln m3-m3 LNG-ton LNG-m3 (n; 35,17)-mln m3 (n; 35,17)-TOE-MTOE CO2 per kWh, 1990 to 2018).