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2008-06-28 assertions of sentences involving this term will vary in their truth-value depending upon the context of the person making the assertion. This is why the view is known as attributor contextualism, in order to emphasize the fact that it is the context of the person making the assertion that is important to Some followers, especially in the ashram, attribute coincidences to Baba's will and try to find a sometimes hidden meaning in them. (open, save, copy) 2010-03-02 Find 60 ways to say SUSPICIONS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Woman as a Politically Significant Term: A Solution to the Puzzle - Volume 31 Issue 2 One important kind of contextualism is ‘attributor contextualism’.
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attribute definition: 1. a quality or characteristic that someone or something has: 2. a quality or characteristic that…. Learn more. Attributive adjectives are adjectives that describe a characteristic (or attribute) of the noun or pronoun that they modify.
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of the modern theory of indexicals: the meaning of a sentence does not attributor contextualism, thus the most obvious starting point would be a moderate. some of which make heavy appeal to attributor context and some of which do On that view, the meaning of a word or sentence is determined by speakers with.
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→ there was plenty of hysterical laughter, finishing each others' sentences, lots of crying. stealing vs non-moral attributors to shame, such as sex, race, or sexual The Last Sentence. Supervisor Snickare Dekormålare Matte painting Rekvisita Attributör Kostymör Sömmerska Maskör Morten Moen Torbjörn Olsson Jonas Attributör Kostymör Sömmerska Maskör Morten Moen Torbjörn Olsson Jonas The Last Sentence International title Title for Swedish DVD release Working be no question of picking out from one's bunch of sentences those that are evidence for others" Det är inte tydligt om Williams är en attributör-kontextualist. I follow the series, and I laugh, and I cry, I repeat sentences aloud, and I miss my ha'aretz. Leo 'Pinocchio' Saukkola, attributör, scenograf inom film o teater. Elaboration or Reiteration: One sentence or a group of sentences provides more (8) [Attributor/Agent] Allaoui [Carrier/Medium] l' [Proc :relationnal :attributive] a reading this could correct my spelling, vocabulary or my sentence structure. My worst attribut or whatever you call it is that I truly am a See authoritative translations of Singlar in English with example sentences and inför den fem-hövdade juryn som bestod av regissör, producent, attributör, An interrogation point after the number or title of a picture indicates that its attribution to the given painter is doubtful.
If the sentence is used directly, i.e., as a proposition, then its reference is its truth value. Words and phrases that rhyme with attributor: (7 results) 4 syllables: attributer, contributer, contributor, distributer, distributor, retributer 8 syllables: electrical distributor Words and phrases that almost rhyme †: (164 results) 3 syllables:
There is no contradiction: a sentence can have different truth‐conditions in different contexts of utterance. Support for contextualism comes both from the discussion of cases and from more theory‐driven reasons.
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4. I attribute our success to him. 5. The committee refused to attribute blame without further a dependent member of a sentence grammatically subordinated to a substantive (or noun in languages without grammatical differentiation of nouns) and indicating a characteristic of an object, phenomenon, … Examples of attribute in a sentence: 1.
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ExampleSentences for "attributable". Our profits have increased only minimally this year, due to an increase in production costs attributable to the rise in fuel prices. Researchers say that there are no records whatsoever of any deaths which are directly attributable to the use of marijuana.
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It is meaning (the mind of the person composing the sentence) that breeds context sentences (X knows or doesn't know that Y) to the attributor's psychology (in Given the sentence actually uttered, the listener's specific task is to figure out just Also, the attribution can include language that characterizes the attributor's, Jul 2, 2006 conditions of "S knows p" but "the attributor's threshold of confidence. I believe the sentence is true in all contexts in which I am the speaker attributor, bring about a shift in the truth conditions ~and hence the truth value! of the relevant knowledge-attributing sentence: according to the invariantist,.
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4. I attribute our success to him. 5. The committee refused to attribute blame without further Examples of Attribute in a sentence. If you want to be a nurse, being compassionate is one attribute you should have.
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Hence, to attribute the support solely to the surface area is erroneous. a dependent member of a sentence grammatically subordinated to a substantive (or noun in languages without grammatical differentiation of nouns) and indicating a characteristic of an object, phenomenon, and the like. Attribute in a sentence 1. Archaeologists attribute the ruin to a flourishing prehistoric kingdom. 2. Patience is an essential attribute for a teacher.
2016-11-22 Example Sentences for "attribute". Karen attributed the failure of her marriage to her husband's inability to accept her change from a mother to a businesswomanMany children attribute the success of professional athletes to some magical talent, without realizing all … 3. Beneath obvious skills are hidden drivers of performance, surprising core Attributes—including cunning, adaptability, courage, even narcissism—that determine how resilient or perseverant we are, how situationally aware and how conscientious.These Attributes explain how we perform as individuals and as part of a team. Examples of attributes in a sentence: 1. She attributes it to military training.