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Först när Mamre och hans bröder. Eshkol och Aner var i förbund med Abram. vara mitt folk. De skall inte längre behöva. 1 www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt1104.htm In the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God--Genesis 21,33. Mechon Mamre. Here you will find the Hebrew Bible (Tana"kh) and the RaMBaM's Complete Restatement of the Oral Law (Mishneh Torah): Together these give God's full guidance for both Jews and Gentiles in all times and places detailing what God expects us to do and not do.
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A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 21 mars 2021 — Domänn amn, mechon-mamre.org. Titel. Bible and Mishneh Torah for All - Jews and Gentiles / Mechon Mamre. Nyckelord. Beskrivning Navigating the Bible ORT · My Jewish Learning · Torah texter - Myjewishlearning.com · Bibeln Tanakh: hebreiska-engelska JPS - Mechon-Mamre.org How can we read the Hebrew Bible using applied mathematics? Join our daily conversation Genesis 27:22 https://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0127.htm https://www.mechon-mamre.org/…/ft3401.h… EL LIBRO DE JEREMÍAS THE BOOK OF JEREMIAH YIRMIYAHU HA NAVI https://www.mechon-mamre.org/… mamre.org.
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Mechon Mamre (Hebrew for "the Mamre Institute") is a small group of Jewish Torah scholars in Israel who live by the plain and simple meaning of the RaMBaM's Mishneh Torah and actively encourage others to do so. Bible (Mechon Mamre)/Nevi'im/Shoftim.
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א וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל-אַבְרָם, לֶךְ-לְךָ מֵאַרְצְךָ וּמִמּוֹלַדְתְּךָ וּמִבֵּית אָבִיךָ
Find Mechon-mamre.org publications and publishers at FlipHTML5.com, download and read Mechon-mamre.org PDFs for free. Le site à visiter : Mechon Mamre Vous y trouverez : toute la Bible à écouter en hébreu, ou à télécharger en MP3 différentes versions du texte, vocalisé ou non, avec des traductions en anglais ou français, avec les signes d’accentuation. A utility to convert mechon-mamre content from HTML to JSON.
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Norton: untested. Uppskattning Pris: $ 22.925,72. Utforksa mer · << Första · < 21 juni 2008 — http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0513.htm.