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Sign in and start exploring all the free, organizational tools for your email. Check out new themes, send GIFs, find every photo you’ve ever sent or received, and search your account faster than ever. @akbar.19031@mhs.its.ac.i Daftar dulu di link berikut $ https://integra.its.ac.id/index.php?n=o365 $, prosesnya antara 1 s.d. 24 Jam. Log in ke Azure pakai format Email: NRP@mahasiswa.integra.its.ac.id Password=Password Akun Integra. Log in or create an account. Loading ProtonMail Sign in - Google Accounts Email or phone. Can’t access your account?

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Input your “ NRP Number ” (Student Number) and “ Password ” and then click Login. Once you click Login, a new mail Email Registration for Students 1.First, go to integra.its.ac.id/app.php and then choose “ Mailbox Mahasiswa ” and click “ Kunjungi “ 2. And then, insert your Integra “ NRP ” and “ Password ” Semua penggunan mahasiswa di ITS, secara bertahap akan migrasi dari webmail.its.ac.id ke gmail.its.ac.id. Sedangkan pengguna selain mahasiswa akan diberikan opsi atau pilihan antara kedua layanan email tersebut.

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Langkah kedua : Masukkan “Username” dan “Password” Integra Anda. DPTSI > Registrasi Email untuk Mahasiswa Baru. Direktorat Pengembangan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (DPTSI) - ITS. Email Registration for New Students 1. Step one : Go to integra.its.ac.id/app.php in a web browser.

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Registrasi email untuk Mahasiswa baru. 1.Langkah pertama : masuk ke integra.its.ac.id/app.phpkemudian pilih menu “Mailbox Mahasiswa” dan klik “Kunjungi“. 2.

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Direktorat Pengembangan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi (DPTSI) - ITS. Email Registration for New Students 1. Step one : Go to integra.its.ac.id/app.php in a web browser. Then choose “ Mailbox Mahasiswa ” ( Student Mailbox) and 2.