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Dessutom en molntjänst som kopplar ihop de handhållna skannrarna. Produkter: Serstech 100 indicator: En produkt är and handhållen scanner som känner av om något innehåller narkotika eller explosiva ämnen. Truly hand-held. The Serstech 100 Indicator is small and light.It fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and in uniform pocket. Robust.It’s high quality build enables you to get lab-quality analysis in even the toughest field conditions. Serstech is a Swedish company that specialises in designing and manufacturing high quality, hand-held Raman Spectrometer technology.

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Validated, Data-Enriched and Complete Libraries All libraries have been created or validated by our chemists using the Serstech 100 Indicator. Every substance has relevant GHS symbols, CAS numbers and in many cases rich text explaining the Serstech 100 Indicator Raman Spectrometer used to identify unknown chemical substance! #fast #reliable #convenient💥💊🧪⚠️☣️Serstech 100 Indicator was used t Serstech 100 Indicator – This truly handheld, customizable, and easy-to-use Raman spectrometer from Serstech is connected to a massive library of data, enabling rapid and reliable chemical identification. Identify any solid or liquid chemical substance in seconds using Raman technology. The Serstech 100 Indicator handheld raman spectrometer is a lightweight (650 g), safe and easy-to-use raman spectrometer that can identify any solid or liquid chemical substance in seconds. Applications include police authorities, bomb squads, border control, hazmat teams, fire departments, CBRN readiness teams, prison authorities, pharmaceutical companies and environmental protection agencies. Serstech is a Swedish company that specialises in designing and manufacturing high quality, hand-held Raman Spectrometer technology.

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SERSTECH AB: Rättelse av kommuniké från Årsstämma i Serstech AB (publ) 25 April, 2019. SERSTECH AB: Årsstämma i Serstech AB (publ) 24 April, 2019. The Serstech 100 Indicator is a hand-held, small and light Raman spectrometer that can identify more than 14,000 substances. Customizable with fully validated and data-enriched libraries.

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Serstech 100 indicator

The Serstech 100 Indicator is small and light and comfortably fits in your hand or uniform pocket. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Name *. Email *. Website.

Serstech 100 indicator

Den initiala ordernär på två Serstech 100 Indicator enheter ochär den första i Indien för Serstech och innebär en validering av vår produkt, och  1 juni 2017 kommenterade Serstech AB. Ny mjukvaruversion till 100 Indicator innehåller två nya språk: Spanska och Turkiska Gilla (8) Följ tråd Kommentarer  Beställningen avser företagets Sersetch 100 Indikator och tillhörande Den initiala ordern är på två Serstech 100 Indicator-enheter och är  Världens minsta spektrometerchip, utvecklat och patenterat av.
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Introducing the Serstech 100 Indicator handheld Raman spectrometer. Easily speed up the chemical identification process in emergency situations by using the Serstech 100 Indicator Raman spectrometer.

Serstech 100 Indicator / Indicator+能在幾秒內即可鑑定任何固體或液體化學物質。設備手持防水使用方便。樣品無需移出容器,可以無破壞、無干擾地完成分析工作。 Il Serstech 100 Indicator è uno spettrometro Raman, veramente portatile, facile da utilizzare, in grado di identificare qualsiasi sostanza chimica solida o liquida in pochi secondi e insensibile all’acqua. La misura del campione, nel proprio contenitore, non comporterà alcuna manomissione o distruzione delle prove. Serstech är ett teknikbolag specialiserade inom identifiering och analys av kemiska ämnen. Idag levererar bolaget tjänster utifrån tre affärssegment: Serstech 100 Indicator, Serstech ChemDash samt Serstech Training.
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Serstech’s all new Heroin ID (SERS) Kit can detect heroin from crude “street quality” samples which are characteristically difficult to analyse. Serstech Indicator 100 website Brochure, Serstech. 0. Version 0 Download 1.05 MB File Size 1 File Count May 29, 2020 Create Date May 29, 2020 Last Updated Download; File; Serstech Indicator 100 website.docx: May 29, 2020 / by Batuwaris Administrator.

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The Serstech 100 Indicator is small and light and comfortably fits in your hand or uniform pocket. It’s robustness, high quality and high performance… The Serstech 100 Indicator is a hand-held, small and light Raman spectrometer that can identify more than 14,000 substances. Customizable with fully validated and data-enriched libraries.

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Please read through  The Serstech 100 Indicator is reliable even in difficult circumstances. □ Easy to use. Most users in the field are neither chemists nor computer experts. They. El Indicador Serstech 100 es un espectrómetro RAMAN portátil, pequeño y ligero que puede identificar más de 14,000 sustancias.

Press releases. SERSTECH AB: Rättelse av kommuniké från Årsstämma i Serstech AB (publ) 25 April, 2019. SERSTECH AB: Årsstämma i Serstech AB (publ) 24 April, 2019.