Respiration in petit mal epilepsy Neurology
Respiration in petit mal epilepsy Neurology
SUMMARY The effects of chlorambucil administration upon the brain electrical activity were investigated in rabbits and cats (acute preparations) by means of cortical and subcortical recording. The Studies on the pathophysiology of "centrencephalic" epilepsy. Rodin E , Onuma T , Wasson S , Porzak J Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol , 27(5):545, 01 Nov 1969 Corpus ID: 44648462. Centrencephalic epilepsy induced by electrical convulsive treatment. @article{Assael1967CentrencephalicEI, title={Centrencephalic epilepsy induced by electrical convulsive treatment.}, author={M. Assael and B. Halperin and S. Alpern}, journal={Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology}, year={1967}, volume={23 2}, pages={ 195 } } Urinary Excretion of Electrolytes in Centrencephalic Epileptics Urinary Excretion of Electrolytes in Centrencephalic Epileptics SCHNEIDER, J. 1961-12-01 00:00:00 SUMMARY 1.
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The various phases of the disease showed a statistically evident relationship to water and sodium excretions, their retention coinciding with exacerbation and their increased excretion with improvement. centrencephalic epilepsy DOREEN KIMURA1 FromMontrealNeurological Institute The identifying characteristics of the electroence-phalogram in centrencephalic epilepsy have been outlinedbyPenfield andJasper(1954)as includinga bilaterally synchronous onset ofabnormality which consists of wave-and-spike activity at or near a frequency of3 per second. More recently, however, it has been suggested that some forms of generalized epilepsy, particularly those associated with three per-second spike-wave paroxysms on EEG, are due not to pathology in a centrencephalic “pacemaker,” but to generalized hyperexcitability of cortical neurons (Gloor, 1979). centrencephalic: [ sen″tren-sĕ-fal´ik ] pertaining to the center of the encephalon. Generalized penicillin epilepsy in the cat produced by large intramuscular injections of penicillin is characterized by clinical and EEG features rese… Twenty-four per cent of all cases of epilepsy seen by one of the authors over a two-year period were of this type. Fifteen of these 47 patients had a history of birth injury.
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The primary disorder in patients classified as having centrencephalic epilepsy according to their EEG is believed to involve the central reticular network in the upper brain stem (7). Theseizures inthese twotypes ofepilepsy alsodiffer, thecentrencephalic seizures including 'absence' attacks, myoclonic jerks, akinetic attacks, andmajorseizures, while the attacks infocal cortical Centrencephalic epilepsy induced by cobalt in the brain stem reticular formation.
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Centrencephalic epilepsy induced by cobalt in the brain stem reticular formation Rev Roum Neurol. 1971;8(6):457-69. Authors V Voiculescu, J Ungher, S Sirian. PMID: 5140354 No abstract Stereotaxic treatment of frontal-lobe and centrencephalic epilepsy.
The primary disorder in patients classified as having centrencephalic epilepsy according to their EEG is believed to involve the central reticular network in the upper brain stem (7). Depth electrode studies in centrencephalic epilepsy. Nashold BS Jr, Stewart B, Wilson WP. PMID: 5084390 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms. Adolescent; Adult; Basal Ganglia/physiopathology; Brain/physiopathology* Caudate Nucleus/physiopathology; Electric Stimulation; Electrodes, Implanted; Electroencephalography; Epilepsy/physiopathology*
Theseizures inthese twotypes ofepilepsy alsodiffer, thecentrencephalic seizures including 'absence' attacks, myoclonic jerks, akinetic attacks, andmajorseizures, while the attacks infocal cortical
Stereotaxic treatment of frontal-lobe and centrencephalic epilepsy. Jelsma RK, Bertrand CM, Martinez SN, Molina-Negro P. PMID: 4197832 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms. Adolescent; Adult; Cerebral Cortex/surgery; Child; Corpus Striatum/surgery; Electroencephalography; Epilepsies, Partial/surgery; Epilepsy/surgery* Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe/surgery
Centrencephalic epilepsy induced by cobalt in the brain stem reticular formation Rev Roum Neurol.
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The latter group performed better on the Continuous Performance Test, although the two groups were similar in their scores on the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale and in the duration of their illness. 1967-07-01 1968-06-01 Epileptic automatism and the centrencephalic integrating system.
October 01, 1960.
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First published June 1, 1961, Abstract Nineteen epileptic patients with centrencephalic type of electrographic abnormalities were compared on a test of attention with sixty-five patients with focal abnormalities. The latter group performed better on the Continuous Performance Test, although the two groups were similar in their scores on the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale and in the duration of their illness.
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Respiration in petit mal epilepsy Neurology
Abstract. There is a special group of epilepsies whose primary source lies within so called “centrencephalic” regions and are commonly characterized by loss or impairment of consciousness during the attack and by a characteristic EEG pattern which shows bilaterally synchronous discharges of the spikes and wave complex of various frequency Centrencephalic epilepsy and suboccipital derivations. Faber B, Hajnsek F. 1. The application of suboccipital electrodes provides earlier and safer detection of pathological activities within deep infratentorial structures than the standard recording techniques. 2.
petit mal — Svenska översättning - TechDico
2014-10-23 · Benign centrotemporal epilepsy has a mean age of onset of 10 years and includes brief, hemifacial partial seizures that tend to become generalized, often at night. The EEG findings include slow, diphasic, high voltage, centrotemporal spikes, activated by sleep. The prognosis is excellent; recovery is the rule.
Proceedings: A multifactorial analysis of focal and generalized cortico-reticular (centrencephalic) epilepsy. Andermann E, Matrakos JD. Epilepsia, 13(2):348-349, 01 Apr 1972 Cited by: 2 articles | PMID: 4217694 Jump to Content Jump to Main Navigation. Sign in Sign up Home COVID-19 Journals Publish Before Print For Authors For Librarians About Us Submit Subscribe centrencephalic epilepsy-does it exist? THEconcept of certain types of epilepsy arising within the diencephalon and mesencephalon is undoubtedly attractive.