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[Former Associated Silver Company building at 1807 W. Sunnyside Avenue, which includes an Airstream on the roof and a miniature Statue of the Liberty above the old Ravenswood Avenue entrance. Yourex c.1915-c.1932, trademark of Associated Silver Co., used on silverplated flatware Chicago, IL USA Jan 8, 2015 - Find great deals on eBay for yourex silver company. Shop with confidence. Y S & Co Yale Silver Co. Yamaco Yamazaki YAS Flatware Yates Yates Bros Yeoman (England) Yore Plate York Pewter (See Olde Country Reproductions) Yoshikawa Yourex (See Associated Silver) Lady Frances By Yourex (Silverplate) Lady Hamilton By Community / Oneida (Silverplate) Lady Hamilton - Set By Community / Oneida (Silverplate) Lady Helen By Associated Silver Co. (Silverplate) Lady Stuart By Oneida Silverplate (Silverplate) Lady Washington By Associated Silver Co. (Silverplate) Ladyship By International (Silverplate) It was a company that produced silver-plated flatware. They are out of business now and pieces in good condition sell for $2-10.00 per piece. Circa early 1900’s lot of 11 Yourex Associated Silver Co., silver plated dinner knives, monogrammed to one side and in good condition for age. Antique Cupboard is THE place to find sterling silver flatware, and silverware.

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Yourex silver company

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To compensate for its malleability, silver is often mixed with This item, Yourex Cocktail Forks- Set of 6 , is part of the auction: Gleaton‘s Gallery Estate Silver, Electronics & Collectibles Online Auction in Peachtree City.

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Hitta information om Yourex AB. Adress: Framnäsbacken 2, Postnummer: 171 66. Telefon: 08-735 81 .. I have two solid yourex silver forks that was retreived from an old plantation home.

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