Robustus - Latin - Italienska Översättning och exempel
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Laudatus sis, mi Domine, propter fratrem ignem, per quem noctem illuminas, et ipse est pulcher et iucundus et robustus et fortis”. Praised be you, my Lord, through Brother Fire, through whom you light the night, and he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong”.[ robustus able to resist change, durable, firm, forceful, hard, hardy, lusty, mature in taste|judgment, mighty, oak-, oaken, of oak, of oak-wood, physically mature|grown up, potent, powerful, robust, solid, stallwart, strong, strong|powerful in arms, tough, valiant, vigorous Macropus robustus in English translation and definition "Macropus robustus", Latin-English Dictionary online Laudatus sis, mi Domine, propter fratrem ignem, per quem noctem illuminas, et ipse est pulcher et iucundus et robustus et fortis”. homo robustus in English translation and definition "homo robustus", Latin-English Dictionary online robustus translation in Latin-Estonian dictionary. Cookies help us deliver our services.
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Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Word Origin mid 16th cent.: from Latin robustus ‘firm and hard’, from robus, earlier form of robur ‘oak, strength’. See robust in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary See robust in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) > Cypriniformes (Carps) > Psilorhynchidae (Mountain carps) Etymology: Psilorhynchus: Greek, psilos = hairless + Greek, rhyngchos = snout (Ref. 45335); robustus: From the Latin adjective robustus, meaning strong or robust, in allusion to the overall robust appearance of this species. robustus, a Latin word meaning ‘strongly built’ which refers to this species’ robust skulls and jaws. Distribution. Fossils of both Paranthropus walkeri and the more recent species Paranthropus boisei have been found in the countries of Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania in east Africa.
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Fossils of both Paranthropus walkeri and the more recent species Paranthropus boisei have been found in the countries of Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania in east Africa. The species name, robustus, is Latin for ‘robust’, probably referring to its beak, which is quite hefty and allows the Cape Parrot to crack open all sorts of hard nuts and fruits; especially those of the yellowwood trees (Podocarpus spp.), which is prevalent in the Cape Parrot’s habitat. Use robust to describe a person or thing that is healthy and strong, or strongly built. This adjective also commonly describes food or drink: a robust wine has a rich, strong flavor.
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Ducks and other waterfowl utilize robustus, a.k.a. the South Island Giant Moa. Name: Dinornis (Terrible bird). Phonetic: Die-nor-nis. Named By: Richard Owen - exercemus reporta a fact; the subjunc. valeamus, preceded by "ut" indicates a purpose. Membra exerceo ut robustus sim means: I exercise my limbs. .
English Translation. courage; More meanings for robustus. strong adjective.
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°ca]c qivJ, infirmus; och intensivum, ut: q‰c ivJ, valde robustus. Latinerna ock Enligt den tredje versionen kommer fågelns namn från Latin Pinguis, vilket betyder Snera Crested Penguin (E. robustus), E. Penguin Penguin Great Crested Gödsel Svenska Latin.
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.I may be Download this stock image: Clump Barrel (Ferocactus robustus). Mexico - DEEKC6 from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations Latin. et dixit noli timere vir desideriorum pax tibi confortare et esto robustus cumque loqueretur mecum convalui et dixi loquere domine mi quia confortasti m Latin.
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flagskinn Södra och östra Afrika 2-1,3 Ma. Parantropus – ”människans dubbelgångare”. Paranthropus robustus. Paranthropus boisei. Page 9 (ekticka, Phellinus robustus, och svavel- ticka, Laetiporus sulphureus). För att be- vara den nuvarande genetiska variatio- nen i ekskogarna startade ett gen-. Cephalocereus robustus - Cephalocereus ulei - Cereus pubiflorus - Espostoa ulei - Espostoa ulei - Facheiroa publiflora - Pilocereus ulei - Pseudopilocereus ulei robustus in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press robustus in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary , New York: Harper & Brothers robustus in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français , Hachette latin-ancient Hos. omnes etiam atque etiam in Domino hortamur, ut nullis parcant laboribus, nullis vincantur difficultatibus, sed magis magisque in dies confortentur et sint robusti (74). All these We urge in the Lord, again and again, to spare no labors and let no difficulties conquer them, but rather to become day by day more courageous and more valiant .[ English words for robustus include strong, bouncing, stout, burly, robust, sturdy, healthsome, lusty, firm and healthy.
Pinacotheca [ recensere | fontem recensere ] Macropus robustus ab Ioanne Gould pictus Latin: first (primus) born (gignere = to give birth do/bring forth) primus: Latin: first (primus) Promerycochoerus: Latin: before (pro) plus Greek: ruminant (merux)-like swine (khoiros) Propalaeotherium: Latin: before (pro): plus Greek: old (paleos) beast (therion) Protapirus: Latin: before (pro): plus Brazilian Indian: tapir (tapira 2020-03-04 · Hans Winkler, David Christie, and Guy M. Kirwan Version: 1.0 — Published March 4, 2020 Text last updated April 2, 2013 Look up the Latin to German translation of robustus in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Word Origin mid 16th cent.: from Latin robustus ‘firm and hard’, from robus, earlier form of robur ‘oak, strength’. See robust in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary See robust in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) > Cypriniformes (Carps) > Psilorhynchidae (Mountain carps) Etymology: Psilorhynchus: Greek, psilos = hairless + Greek, rhyngchos = snout (Ref. 45335); robustus: From the Latin adjective robustus, meaning strong or robust, in allusion to the overall robust appearance of this species. robustus, a Latin word meaning ‘strongly built’ which refers to this species’ robust skulls and jaws. Distribution.