English Corpus Linguistics: Altenberg, Bengt Lund University
Publikationer: Lars-Håkan Svensson: IKK: Linköpings universitet
Acts of deference and authority (Gothenburg papers in theoretical linguistics) Karin Aijmer. Karin Aijmer . Department of languages and literatures, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden See all articles by this author. Pris: 439 kr. Inbunden, 2015.
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Abdul-Razak Kuyini Alhassan, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway. Jens Allwood, SSKKII, University of Göteborg, S-412 82 Göteborg, Sweden. Gabriela Antosova, University College of Business in Prague, Czech Republic Karin Aijmer | University of Gothenburg The aim of this study has been to contribute to the discussion of type nouns by investigating the different meanings and functions of sort of and kind of from an English-Swedish contrastive perspective on the basis of their correspondences (translations or sources) in the English-Swedish Parallel Corpus . Keynote speakers Graeme Trousdale (University of Edinburgh) Martin Hilpert (University of Neuchâtel) Jóhanna Barðdal (Ghent University) Conveners Peter Andersson, Evie Coussé, Joel Olofsson (University of Gothenburg) Scientific committee Karin Aijmer (Gothenburg), Alexander Bergs (Osnabrück), Hubert Cuyckens (Leuven), Östen Dahl (Stockholm), Gabriele Diewald (Hannover), Lena Ekberg (Lund Karin Aijmer, Department of languages and literatures, University of Gothenburg, Box 200, Göteborg, 40530, Sweden.
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Department of English and Lerma Research Centre Aix Marseille University Aix Baker, Mona; Aijmer, Karin (Editor) ; Hasselgård, Hilde (Editor). / The Treatment of Variation in Corpus-based Translation Studies. Translation and Corpora (Göteborg Studies in English).
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Karin Aijmer University of Gothenburg “That’s well cool”- recent changes in the use of intensifiers in the Spoken BNC2014 Intensifiers such as very, really and so typically precede adjectives with an emphasising function. They hold a great fascination because of their variability and the changes they undergo.
Department of languages and literatures, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden See all articles by this author. Aijmer, Karin Aijmer, Karin (Sweden) Aijmer, Karin, University of Gothenburg Aijmer, Karin, University of Gothenburg (Sweden) Airey, John Alarauhio, Juha-Pekka Ali Termizi, Arbaayah, Universiti Putra Malaysia Alm-Arvius, Christina Altenberg, Bengt Ambrosini, Richard, Università di Roma Tre Armstrong, Charles I., University of Agder Armstrong
Aijmer, Karin, University of Gothenburg. Vol 15, No 2 (2016): Fact or fiction? Studies in honour of Solveig Granath - Articles ‘You’re absolutely welcome, thanks for the ear’: The use of absolutely in American soap operas Abstract PDF
Karin Aijmer.
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Japan Women's University Faculty of Humanities Graduate School of Humanities Department of English, Japan. Adam Jaworski. It was established in 2002 and published by the University of Oslo until 2006.
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Karin Aijmer | University of Gothenburg The aim of the study is to explore the idea that discourse markers are oriented to properties of spoken language and the interaction and have special uses or tasks depending on formal and contextual factors. Karin Aijmer is Professor Emerita in English linguistics at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Her most recent publications include A Variational Pragmatic Analysis (2013), A Handbook of Corpus Pragmatics , with Christoph Rühlemann (2014) and Pragmatics: An Advanced Resource Book for Students , with Dawn Archer and Anne Wichmann (2012). We are very pleased to announce Karin Aijmer’s membership on the CASS Challenge Panel.
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SuSTainaBlE GOTHEnBuRG. Göteborg är föregångare inom hållbara evenemang och Karin Aijmer | University of Gothenburg.
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University of Maryland, College Park. 1. Erling Zetterman karin.rade@arbetsformedlingen.se projektmedarbetare.
of Linguistics Göteberg, Sweden Wikipedia Citation Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. Karin Aijmer (University of Gothenburg): “That’s Well Cool”- Recent Changes in the Use of Intensifiers in the Spoken BNC2014 Karin Mossberg, karin.mossberg@gu.se tel: +46 31-786 61 12 Lovisa Aijmer, lovisa.aijmer@gu.se tel: +46 31-786 60 32 Martina Serrano martina.serrano@gu.se tel. +46 31-786 60 81 Karin Aijmer | University of Gothenburg The aim of the study is to explore the idea that discourse markers are oriented to properties of spoken language and the interaction and have special uses or tasks depending on formal and contextual factors.