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Webhelp Nordic is one the leading contact center companies in the Nordics - our offices are in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, Webhelp Nordic. 4,085 likes · 18 talking about this · 84 were here. Webhelp Nordic is one the leading contact center companies in the Nordics - our offices are in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, About Webhelp Nordic Group We are a global business process outsourcer (BPO), specialising in customer experience f rom more than 140 sites in 35 countries with 50,000 colleagues. Our focus is on engineering performance improvements and delivering a real and lasting transformation in our clients’ operating models to generate financial advantage. We are a global community of passionate game changers, who create amazing human experiences and shape business solutions. Webhelp Apple support is here to help.

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20 november 2020 ·. There‘s a stretch for that! We were extra dedicated to stretching out those soar office muscles last week. WebHEALTH warriors spend the week making sure we get our stretch on in the office, and perhaps more importantly right now, in the home offices. Webhelp Nordic AB - Företagsinformation. Webhelp Nordic AB,556772-7580 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Webhelp Nordic AB. Sök. Webhelp Nordic AB: Bolagsform: Aktiebolag: Status: Upplöst genom fusion 2020-12-15: Adress Det skall alltid framgå inom vilken kommun som ett företag har sitt säte. Företaget kan ha sin verksamhet i en annan kommun, men det är i sätesorten som t ex inkomstdeklaration skall lämnas in och eventuella tvister skall göras upp.