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Maintenance and development of the database is exercised by the World Intellectual Property Organization. The database contains national legislation of the Member States of WIPO, WTO and UN. In 2014 the database included legal acts of 196 States and cumulatively contained 13 联系我们: WIPO Lex(判决) 为取得最佳结果,请使用Chrome、Firefox或Safari浏览器填写此表。 标有 (必填字段) 的所有字段为必填项。 WIPO Launches WIPO Lex. September 20, 2010 marked WIPO’s launch of WIPO Lex, a comprehensive online global IP reference resource which provides up-to-date information on national IP laws and treaties. WIPO Lex compiles IP data for over 60 countries with substantial coverage for an additional 100 legal systems. WIPO Lex aims to achieve the objective set forth in Article 4(vi) of the WIPO Convention, that is, WIPO “shall assemble and disseminate information concerning the protection of intellectual property, carry out and promote studies in this field, and publish the results of such studies.” WIPO Lex covers all WIPO Member States.
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WIPO Lex, Database Of Global IP Systems (англ.). Intellectual Property Watch (англ.) русск.. Дата обращения: 11 декабря 2015. WIPO Lex is an online database of national legislation and international treaties in the field of intellectual property. Maintenance and development of the database is exercised by the World Intellectual Property Organization. The database contains national legislation of the Member States of WIPO, WTO and UN. 2020-09-29 · WIPO-Lex Judgments contributes to a greater overall understanding of how courts are handling these issues, by making available judgments – selectively curated by the relevant authorities in participating member states – that establish precedent or offer a persuasive interpretation of IP law in their jurisdiction. WIPO Lex-Judgments is expected to make contribution in dispute resolution related to Intellectual Property held by judicial units and support policy makers in implementing new approaches.
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El mantenimiento y el desarrollo de la base de datos está a cargo de la Organización de Propiedad Intelectual Mundial. La base de datos contiene legislación nacional de los 196 Estados Miembros de la OMPI, OMC y ONU. WIPO Lex — онлайн база данных, включающая национальное законодательство и международные договоры в сфере интеллектуальной собственности. On September 24, 2020, WIPO launched WIPO Lex-Judgments, a new database providing free access to leading judicial decisions related to IP law from around the world. The cases are selectively curated by the relevant authorities in participating member states.
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Jan 12, 2021 Apple Skytech iPhone xl PB TRUSTe. In more languages. Spanish. WIPO Lex. No description defined.
WIPO Lex. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. Mar 22, 2021 The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) recently launched a new platform, WIPO Lex-Judgments, which will provide information
Apr 29, 2020 IPO Lex is a global database that provides free of charge access to legal information on intellectual property (IP) administered by WIPO.
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Se hela listan på wordstodeeds.com WIPO has established WIPOnet, a global information network. The project seeks to link over 300 intellectual property offices (IP offices) in all WIPO Member States. In addition to providing a means of secure communication among all connected parties, WIPOnet is the foundation for WIPO's intellectual property services.
La base de datos WIPO Lex se divide en tres colecciones que contienen leyes y reglamentos de PI, tratados administrados por la OMPI y tratados de PI, y sentencias relativas a la PI.
WIPO Lex База данных WIPO Lex включает три раздела: законы и подзаконные акты в области ИС, договоры ВОИС и договоры в области ИС других субъектов и судебные решения в сфере ИС.
WIPO Lex permet d'accéder gratuitement à des informations juridiques du monde entier en matière de propriété intellectuelle. La base de données WIPO Lex est constituée de trois collections: les lois, règles et règlements en matière de propriété intellectuelle, les traités administrés par l'OMPI et les traités relatifs à la propriété intellectuelle, et les jugements en
WIPO Lex is an online database of national legislation and international treaties in the field of intellectual property. Maintenance and development of the database is exercised by the World Intellectual Property Organization.
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Underhåll och utveckling av databasen eur-lex.europa.eu ICANN:s styrelse begärde också att WIPO skulle utarbeta en enhetlig förteckning över kända namn inför utvecklingen av eventuella av J Hammar · 2017 — tillsammans med sammanställningar av de båda ländernas nationella lagstiftning, i den internationella rättsdatabasen WIPO Lex. 28 Danelius, 2016, s. 11–12.
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WIPO-fördraget går in på samma område som Trips-avtalet inom Världshandelsorganisationen (WPO). WIPO:s fördrag om upphovsrätt (WCT). OJ L 89, 11.4.2000, p.
22000A041101 - EN - EUR-Lex - EUR-Lex
Pekingfördraget om audiovisuella väpnat hot mot laglig ordning så ** ***lex *~~~~~== värd [vä:r_d] (person som bor ihop) Svenska es-Då W warranty time (garantitid) DS U-5 WIPO (World.
Mandatory fields are marked as (required) . WIPO Lex Practical Law Resource ID 0-566-1146 (Approx. 1 page) Ask a question WIPO Lex. Related Content. This is an official website, containing IP-related О «WIPO Lex» .