Ictaluridae Svensk MeSH


NRM Ichthyology search: result of database search

Channel catfish skin is a by-product from catfish fillet production. Collagens were extracted from catfish skins by: (1) acid; (2) homogenization-aided; and (3) pepsin-aided extraction methods. Kinetic analysis of extraction was performed. Ictalurus punctatus are solitary except during mating courtship and protection of young.

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Sjukdomsbild  Ictalurus punctatus, USA, Columbia River, Icpun_j0.jpg · Lepomis gibbosus, USA, Columbia River, Legib_j0.jpg · Micropterus dolomieu, USA, Columbia River  d depuration (OECD 305), and in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) after 7 d exposure and 7 d depuration with 250 μg/L ibuprofen = 1.4. Ictaluridae, Ictalurus punctatus, NRM 6046, 4, NODATA, UNKNOWN COUNTRY. Ictaluridae, Noturus insignis, NRM 6047, 1, USNM-77-BAINBRI, USA. Channel catfish virus/Ictalurid herpesvirus 1 orsakar sjukdom hos Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) och Blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) i  1978. NOEC values to crustaceans, mg/l : 0.01, rpd, schr, Daphnia magna. Nebeker & Puglisi 1974.

Dvärgmal - Aquatic Community

EC50, alg, 96 h: > 100 mg/l. (Art: Desmodesmus subspicatus). Den kanal havskatt ( Ictalurus punctatus ) är Nordamerika mest talrika havskatt arter.

Ictalurus punctatus på latin LA,SV,EN lexikon Tyda

Ictalurus punctatus

Fish. Hypophthalmitchthys molitrix, silverkarp. Ictalurus punctatus, dvärgmal. Micropterus salmoides, öringabborre.

Ictalurus punctatus

12.2. EC50 Daphnia 48h: >200 mg/l Art: Daphnia Magna. Etyldiglykol (111-90-0). LC50 Fisk 96h: 6010 mg/l Art: Ictalurus punctatus. EC50 Daphnia 48h: 1982 mg/l  (Art: Ictalurus punctatus). LC50, daphnia, 48 h: 1 982 mg/l.

What are synonyms for Ictalurus punctatus? Ictalurus furcatus, or its hybrid with the channel catfish (I. punctatus), has been reared commercially. However, the majority of commercial production of catfish in the United States is from Ictalurus punctatus (Stickney 1986; Sublette et al. 1990).

µg/L ibuprofen = 1.4.
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Säkerhetsdatablad - Wurth

OECD 203. Fiskart. Ictalurus punctatus. Daphnia EC50 (48h) mg/l.

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Ictalurus punctatus – Översättning, synonymer, förklaring, exempel

(2010) Current status of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in Japan. Japanese journal of conservation ecology. 15, 147-152 (in Jpn with English abst) etc. Ictalurus punctatus. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Translingual .

Taxonomisk information - Dyntaxa

4 veckor. Produktens/ beståndsdelens namn. Arter. Resultat.

Eyes in dorsal half of head. Upper jaw longer than lower. Young with few to many body spots.