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The University of Cambridge is rich in history – its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world. But the University's museums and collections also hold many treasures which give an exciting insight into some of the scholarly activities, both past and present, of the University's academics and students. Cambridge Core - the books and journals platform from Cambridge University Press replacing Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) and Cambridge Books online (CBO). Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a … Ordering a Cambridge Teacher Development online course CTD online courses are designed to be bought by individual teachers or by institutions. At the moment (April/May 2017), the e-commerce functionality to allow individuals to buy courses directly is being redeveloped and so … At Cambridge University Press, we currently publish more than 380 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.

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