Normalized ebitda -Svensk översättning - Linguee
2020-07-23 Define EBITDA Average. means, as of any date, the average Consolidated EBITDA for each of the six calendar months immediately preceding such date; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that for the purpose of the calculation of EBITDA Average, at the discretion of Mountaineer, the months of December and January may be excluded from such calculation and such months shall be deemed not to have occurred. Average EBITDA means an amount equal to the average of the Company’s actual EBITDA for the year ending 31 December 2018 and the 2019 Projected EBITDA. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents Average EBITDA means an amount equal to the average of the EBITDA calculated with respect to each one (1) year period ending on each Anniversary Date. 6 rows Weighted Average EBITDA means the weighted average EBITDA for the 36 months prior to the month in which the Call Notice or the a Put Notice is delivered (“Month of Exercise”) calculated as (x) the sum of (A) 3 times the EBITDA for months 25-36 preceding the Month of Exercise, (B) 4 times the EBITDA for months 13-24 preceding the Month of Exercise, and (C) 5 times the EBITDA for months 1-12 preceding … Vad är EBITDA? EBITDA är sätt att utvärdera ett företags resultat utan att ta hänsyn till finansiella beslut eller skatter. EBITDA står för ”earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation”, med andra ord ”resultatet före ränteintäkter och räntekostnader, skatter, avskrivningar på materiella tillgångar och avskrivningar på immateriella tillgångar (goodwill)”.
A company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (commonly abbreviated EBITDA, pronounced / iː b ɪ t ˈ d ɑː /, / ə ˈ b ɪ t d ɑː /, or / ˈ ɛ b ɪ t d ɑː /) is an accounting measure calculated using a company's earnings, before interest expenses, taxes, depreciation, and amortization are subtracted, as a proxy for a company's current operating EBITDA Multiple: 12.26 = $959B / $78.2B. Now that you have the industry data in this post, you can start comparing industry averages to company multiples. The net debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) ratio measures financial leverage and a company’s ability to pay off its debt. Essentially, the net debt to EBITDA ratio (debt/EBITDA) gives an indication as to how long a company would need to operate at its current level to pay off all its debt. Guide to the EBITDA margin, including definition, formula, how to calculate, good EBITDA margins, average margins by industry, FAQs and video.
Rörelsemarginal: EBIT-EBITA-EBITDA
1,544. 19. EV/EBITDA-capex 2019E.
Key Ratios Financial Data Saab
MSEK. The growth will primarily come from expanding to new EBITDA Rörelseresultat före avskrivningar, nedskrivningar samt resultat från ASPU (Eng: Average spending per user) beräknas is genom att dividera den +42%; EBITDA margin 36.3% (39.4%); Net result KSEK 79,796 (41,727), +91%; Average realized gold price 1,658 USD/oz (1,309), +27%.
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In depth view into Svenska Handelsbanken EV to EBITDA including historical data from 2008, charts, stats and industry comps. during 2017, with average EBITDA multiples increasing to 10.4xin 2017 vs. TMT saw the highest average prices paid in 2017 at 10.9x, slightly down on
Average number of shares, million. 65.6. 65.4. 65.5.
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1,836. 1,943.
For the full year of 2017, its EBITDA was reported at $5.04B and the current analyst consensus estimate for 2018 EBITDA is $5.5B. What are the resulting historical and forward-looking multiples?
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Key Figures - AF Gruppen
Last Close Price, 22,17 €. Spread / Highest target, -18,8%. Spread / Average Target, -21,5%. Spread / Lowest Target, -25,9% EBITDA-marginal – Uttrycker EBITDA i relation till omsättningen och beräknas WACC (Weigthed Average Cost of Capital) – Vedertagen average by 10% per year during 2015-‐2019 to 500 MSEK and an EBITDA of 75.
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EBIT marginal. E. BIT., S. E. K m.
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Healthcare information and technology. 24.81. Airlines. 8.16. Drugs, biotechnology. 13.29.
FV = FCFF. Du kan antingen kolla vad liknande bolag värderas till på EV/EBIT, EBITDA tar därutöver med andra typer av avskrivningar och anses därför vara det Här Enterprise Value = EBITDA Average EV/EBITDA ratio. As of Jan. 2020, the average EV/EBITDA for the S&P 500 was 14.20. As a general guideline, an EV/EBITDA value below 10 is commonly interpreted as healthy and above average by analysts and investors. Weighted Average EBITDA means the weighted average of the Issuers’ EBITDA for the thirty-six (36) months prior to the month in which the Issuer Call Option or Purchaser put option pursuant to Section 4.10 is exercised (the “Month of Exercise”) calculated as (A) the sum of (x) three (3) times the Issuers’ EBITDA for months twenty-five-thirty-six (25-36) preceding the Month of Exercise, plus (y) four (4) times the Issuers’ EBITDA for months thirteen-twenty-four (13-24) preceding the EBITDA Average Multiple. Healthcare information and technology.