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An attempt has been made to use remote resources, but ISC is not supported. An EXEC CICS command contains an invalid AID or CONDITION identifier. This abend indicates that the EXEC CICS command has become corrupted. 2020-07-04 · 98) What is an AICA abend? Ans: Runaway Task.
Code & Description. 1. ASRA. Program Check Exception. 2.
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Next Page. While working with CICS, you may encounter abends. Following are the common abend codes with their description which will help you to resolve the issues −. Sr.No.
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CPU-utilization programs where overhead was increased by the CA InterTest. monitoring activity. To set the instruction counter to prevent an AICA abend, enter: ICT=nnnnn Jump to CICS - ASRA - This abend occured beacuse of invalid non numeric data AICA - A looping task has been terminated with this abend code by CICS.
ASRA - This abend occured beacuse of invalid non numeric data AICA - A looping task has been terminated with this abend code by CICS because it was executing without giving up control longer than the time period specified by the ICVR keyword in the CICS SIT.
Name and explain some common CICS abend codes? What are the DB2 steps required to migrate a CICS DB2 program from source code to load module? CICS provides an interface throough which the all the DL/I services can be used under CICS (True or False) ?
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where ABEND-CODE is an established. i.e. say if in a COMP-3 variable there are some alphabet instance then an ASRA abend will be caused if CICS tried reading it AICA A runaway task condition has been detected.
This abend usually occurs if your program is looping. There are CICS parameters that determine how long a task can run without giving up control. The ICVR parameter in the CICS SIT table can be used to specify a value for all tasks running in CICS, or you can specify a …
See the CICS Messages & Codes Manual for more details. AICA This abend usually occurs if your program is looping.
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IBM Knowledge Center
What is an AICA abend ? A task has been executing for longer than the runaway time interval (defined by the ICVR operand on the system initialization table macro, DFHSIT) without giving up control. The runaway task condition indicates a possible loop in the application.
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IBM Knowledge Center
This is to route any abnormal conditions happened with the program.
IBM Knowledge Center
CICS - Status Codes - While working with CICS, you may encounter abends. Following are the common abend codes with their description which will help you to resolve the issues − The research leads us to suspect that the RUNAWAY condition (which causes the initial AICA abend and the following INTE abends) is simply caused by the inevitable overhead of CA InterTest for CICS monitoring the user program. Abend Codes [gen5212z81no].
This abend usually occurs if your program is looping. There are CICS parameters that determine how long a task can run without giving up control. The ICVR parameter in the CICS SIT table can be used to specify a value for all tasks running in CICS, or you can specify a RUNAWAY value when you define a transaction .