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Tapered valve connectors (2) inserted into a No. kPa, mmHg, kgf/cm2, bar, InHg. Högtryck. kPa, MPa, kgf/cm2, bar. Hysteres. Hysteresläge: Inställbar ; Fönsterläge: 2% F.S.. Repeternoggrannhet.

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4,6–6,0 kPa (35–45 mmHg). aB-Oxygenmättnad (SaO2) 95–98 %. P-Glukos (fastevärde).

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2 kpa to mmhg

Convert 850 kPa to mmHg. 850 kPa 760 mm Hg. 1101.325 kPa. 3. Convert 980 Torr to kPa. 60.

2 kpa to mmhg

16. 120. 18. 135.
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This small difference is negligible for most applications outside metrology. millimeters of mercury (mmHg) kilopascals (kPa) 1 mmHg: 0.13332 kPa: 2 mmHg: 0.26664 1 mmHg = 1.36 cmH2O = 0.133 kPa = 0.0193 PSI A Pascal (Pa) is a Newton-per-meter squared. Please be aware of potential rounding errors when going back and forth between units of measurement. Created: October 5, 2000 20 Kilopascal (kPa) =. 150.01234 Millimeter Mercury (0°C) (mmHg) Kilopascal : The kilopascal (symbol:kPa) is a non-SI unit for pressure, and is a x1000 multiple of the Pascal unit.

technical atmosphere (at) physical atmosphere (atm) Other pressure units. newton per square meter (Nm-2) pound per square inch (psi) Torr (Torr) millimeter of mercury (mmHg) millimeters water column (mmH2O) 15.751295337 mmHg (mm of mercury) 0.620129583 inHg (inches of mercury) 0.304579571 psi (pounds per sq.
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2 Millimetres of mercury = 0.2666 Kilopascals, 20 Millimetres of mercury = 2.6664  This force is measured in mmHg (millimeters of mercury) or kPa (kilopascals). Two values are usually given when you measure your blood pressure. The first is   19 Apr 2016 P = 1.75 atm = _ kPa = __mmHg. 1 atm = 760 mm Hg. We can write the two conversion factors. 1 atm / 760 mm Hg or 760 mm Hg / 1 atm.

testo 890 – Värmekamera med många funktioner testo 890-2. Artikelnr. 0563 0890 V2. 2.