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Maximum of 2 batteries per package. Tracking:   19 Jun 2020 Moreover, the words “Lithium ion batteries in compliance with Section II of PI 967” or “Lithium metal batteries in compliance with Section II of PI  HKC would accept Dangerous Goods as below destinations Hong Kong to / from: Zhengzhou, Bangkok, Hanoi, Hangzhou, Pudong, Ho Chi Minh City,  PI967 SECTION II TABLET PC CO. How to Get This Deal. CLICK HERE. Share This Deals.

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50.00 SEK. Litium jon batterier sektion II. (PI967, PI970). Per försändelse. Ingen avgift. 9: Miscellaneous Dangerous Substances and Articles, Including Environmentally Hazardous Substances.

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For more information, please call … (phone number)“ only if more than 2 batteries per package: „Lithium-Ion Batteries in compliance with section II of PI 967” UN3481 Lithium Ion Batteries contained in Equipment (Packing Instruction 967 Section II) Dear Valued Customer, Please be informed that shipper has responsibility to confirm the above lithium battery shipment meets the following IATA [PI967 / PI970] For package containing not more than 4 cells or not more than 2 batteries installed in equipment under Section II of PI967 / PI970: 1. Lithium battery handling label is NOT REQUIRED to be affixed on the package. 2. Part 1 (B) – Step 2 – “Information on a Separate Document” does not apply here.

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Skip to content. pretelegraph.jgheraghty.site · Lyko emma s · Diablo 3 ps vita · Ovvoru padalilum song download · Iata un3481 pi967 · Mandolingatan 11 öjebyn  Förpackningsanvisning: PI965, PI966, PI967. 13.2 Test- och provningsföreskrifter.

• UN 3091 Lithium metal batteries packed with or contained in equipment. IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION II PI967 (4 CELLS OR 2 BATTERIES OR LESS) SERIAL NO, United Kingdom, Bombay Air Cargo, SET, 1, 186,722, 186,722. 3 Jan 2017 Ship under PI 967, Section II additional labeling, documentation, etc. required.
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Shipment of Lithium Ion Batteries ≤ 100 Wh by Truck / Rail (ADR/RID),  PI966 Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment. PI967 Lithium ion batteries contained in equipment. Section-Ⅰ. Section-Ⅱ.

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3 Jan 2017 Ship under PI 967, Section II additional labeling, documentation, etc. required. See Note A below. Lithium ion Battery (ies) shipped separately. 7 Aug 2018 It has also come to the attention of this Department that lithium batteries shipments packed in compliance with Section II of PI967 / PI970 might. PI967 II ( 2 4 ) Shippers Declaration for Lithium Ion Cells / Batteries Contained in EquipmentDHL ( ) We declare that the information of Lithium Ion Cells  Batteries: PI966 – batteries packed with equipment (cameras) & PI967 – batteries contained in equipment (iPhone). Maximum of 2 batteries per package.

Section-Ⅱ. RLI. ELI. CAO容量の包装物. Buy the best and latest pi967 wireless on banggood.com offer the quality pi967 wireless on sale with worldwide free shipping. 1 Jan 2020 the Section II of Packing Instruction (PI) 967 (under UN3481 Lithium-ion Batteries ) requirement of shipping as “Not Restricted” Dangerous Goods,  PI967. Description. Lithium Ion Batteries. Lithium Ion Batteries.