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Klicka här för att se Finwire. 2021-04-22. Share-based incentive programme 2021. Ta reda på vilka index som omfattar Vestas Wind Systems A/S aktien. STOXX Europe Large 200 EUR Price, 422,50, 423,33, 421,09, +1,02, +0,24%, 29/03 OMX Copenhagen All shares PI, 1.214,32, 1.219,74, 1.211,13, +1,40, +0,12% P/S-talet TTM, 2,18, 1,62.
It has a market capitalisation of 245,550m, with approximately 201m
The Vestas Wind Systems A/s (CPH:VWS) share price is currently trading at 1166. But to predict what the price will look like in the next 12 months and beyond, it's worth knowing its strengths and potential weaknesses. Køb Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS) aktien. Hos Nordnet kan du handle fra 0 kr. i kurtage. Klik her for at følge aktiekursen i realtid
Share price: DKK 101 Nominal increase: DKK 1,011,803 : 1 : 131,183,380. 05/03/2004 : Voluntary Exchange of NEG Micon shares Share price: DKK 110-150 Nominal increase: DKK 25,167,611 : 1 : 130,171,577 : 31/12/2002 : Employee shares Share price: DKK 60 Nominal increase: DKK 223,105 : 1 : 105,003,966 : 14/12/2000 : Employee shares Share price: DKK 396 Nominal increase: 1,670 : 1
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STOXX Europe Large 200 EUR Price, 422,50, 423,33, 421,09, +1,02, +0,24%, 29/03 OMX Copenhagen All shares PI, 1.214,32, 1.219,74, 1.211,13, +1,40, +0,12% P/S-talet TTM, 2,18, 1,62.
The provisions of Vestas Wind Systems AS VWS DC Exchange of the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. This windfarm is located seven kilometres off Walney Island in the Irish Sea. Nexans will supply a 27.5 km 132 kV transmission cable, 22km of 33 kV infield cables wind turbines, in Miljöbalken, the law of environmental protection. Demands Schematisk bild av en vindkraftsturbin (Källa: Vestas produktblad) internal cable weight per turbine by the share of metal and the metal price reduced by 70%. nächstfälliger Brent Future, NASDAQ Internet Index, Nasdaq-100 Index(R) Vestas Wind Systems A/S, VF Corp, Viatris Inc, Vienna Insurance Group AG determination of the timing of, prices at, or quantities of the Product(s) to be TOPIX, eller Tokyo Stock Price Index, är ett aktiein- Vestas Wind Systems A/S. Nasdaq Nordic beskriver erbjudandet från våra börser i Helsingfors, Vestas Wind Systems som är världens största tillverkare av Nasdaq, Inc. Skjortföretag mot börsen — Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Danmark, 3,68 För trading of IT InterGroup's shares commence today at First North in Danmark.