Overcriminalization - Douglas Husak - inbunden 9780195328714


Overcriminalization - Douglas Husak - häftad9780195399011

Oxford University Press. 1. Buy as Gift. Add to Wishlist. Free sample. $35.99 $19.79 Ebook. The United States today suffers from too much criminal law and too much punishment.

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His is an '[a]ttempt to combat the problem of overcriminalization by developing a set of principles to confine the criminal sanction' (91). Husak's primary goal is to defend a set of constraints to limit the authority of states to enact and enforce criminal offenses. In addition, Husak situates this endeavor in criminal theory as traditionally construed. This book urges the importance of this topic in the real world, while most Anglo-American legal philosophers have neglected it. Despite these and other reasons to be worried about overcriminalisation, Husak emphasises—guided by ‘‘the peculiar American penal context’’ (p. 14)—that the principal reason to be troubled by having too much criminal law is that it produces too much punishment. That is the most urgent source of injustice on which the book focuses.

Overcriminalization - Douglas Husak - häftad9780195399011

New York: Oxford University Press. 123 Pris: 321 kr.

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Husak overcriminalization

Husak describes the phenomena in some detail and explores their relation, and why these trends produce massive Despite these and other reasons to be worried about overcriminalisation, Husak emphasises—guided by ‘‘the peculiar American penal context’’ (p. 14)—that the principal reason to be troubled by having too much criminal law is that it produces too much punishment. That is the most urgent source of injustice on which the book focuses.

Husak overcriminalization

The United States today suffers from too much criminal law and too much punishment. Husak describes the phenomena in some detail and explores their relation, and why these trends produce massive Douglas Husak, Overcriminalization. The Limits of the Criminal Law: Oxford University Press, New York, 2008, 248 Pp., Hardback ISBN 978-0-19-532871-4, £28.99, Paperback ISBN 978-0-19-539901-1, £13.99.
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: Douglas Husak. Oxford University Press, Jan 8, 2008 - Philosophy - 248 pages. 0 Reviews. The United States today suffers from too much criminal law and too much punishment.

I conclude that overcriminalization inevitably produces too much punishment and jeopardizes the rule of law. Douglas Husak sees as a crisis of over-criminalization gives his new book its passionatepoint. Such overcriminaliza-tionhasanumberofsources,butHusak believesthatoneofitsimportantrootsis our failure to come to terms with the questions posed above. We simply do not have a clear and defensible account of the general circumstances under Husak makes it his job to explain and defend those other norms.
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The United States today suffers from too much criminal law and too much punishment. Husak describes the phenomena in some detail and explores their relation, and why these trends produce massive injustice. His primary goal is to defend a set of constraints that limit the authority of states to enact and enforce penal offenses. Douglas Husak.

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av P Södermark · 2021 — böcker med rättsfilosofiskt innehåll, främst Overcriminalization av Douglas Husak samt. Harm to Others av Joel Feinberg. Dessa har varit nödvändiga för att få en  Options Limits of Punishment 2 Overcriminalization – extraordinary rise in the size and scope of the criminal law. Douglas Husak – 'Overcriminalization: The  av A Bellander · 2020 — 53–57; Husak (2007) s.

Overcriminalization - Douglas Husak - Bok 9780195328714 Bokus

Douglas Husak, Overcriminalization. The Limits of the Criminal Law | SpringerLink. Book Review. Published: 24 September 2009. Douglas Husak, Overcriminalization.

2. Erik Luna, The Overcriminalization Phenomenon, 54 AM. U. L. REv. 703, 710. 8 Gen. 2008 The United States today suffers from too much criminal law and too much punishment.